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Kaltura can be used to record and upload videos. You can either record them directly into Canvas or upload existing videos. Kaltura is both:

  1. a place to store your media [videos, audio (e.g. podcasts), and images] – a repository/library
  2. a software solution that you can use to record new videos (including your computer screen)

Many faculty and students will primarly use Kaltura in conjunction with Canvas, but staff can also use Kaltura to post videos to department web pages. This video (and other media) management system allows faculty and students to create teaching and learning materials, video assignments, record lectures for online/distance learning, and provides an option for in-video quizzing. Non-academic departments might record videos for:

  • Training (ex. Human Resources, Student Employment, Risk Management, I.T.)
  • Social Media (ex. University Communications)
  • Department websites (ex. all departments on campus)
  • Board meetings (ex. President's Office)


  • Currently Enrolled Students: To make use of the Canvas Video feature, you must be enrolled in a course.
  • Faculty: There are no restrictions.


Potential benefits of Adding Video to Your Canvas Course:

  • Give students access to supplemental, course-related video outside of the classroom
  • Video can be provided to students to view outside of class rather than having to devote class time to showing videos in class.
  • Allow students to view videos on the device of their choosing. Kaltura detects the type of device (PC, iPhone, iPad, etc.) that a student is using and streams video in a format compatible with that device.
  • Prevents users outside of Canvas from viewing your videos.