University of Redlands

Faculty Success Stories

When we work on a successful project with faculty, we love to share what they did and how it worked. That helps others replicate their success. On this page, we will highlight some of these faculty success stories and include details about their projects.


Masako Nunn (Japanese, College of Arts and Sciences)

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Animatronics Fall 2021

In this faculty success story, we examen the use of Animatronics in a Japanese language class. Utilizing the new makerspace animatronics Masako Nunn augmented one of her standard projects enabling students to explore the subject in a new and exciting way.  Read More >>

Raul Acero (Art, College of Arts and Sciences)

Integrating Sculpture and 3D Design | Fall 2018 and Spring 2019

See how one professor modernized his sculpture course to incorporate 3D scanning and modeling, along with virtual reality to edit creations and place them in digital spaces. Professor Raul Acero had students in his Introduction to Sculpture course create works from modeling clay. Then students used a 3D scanner to import the design in a computer modeling program. The clay had to not reflect too much light or the scan wouldn't work, which is one of the reasons modeling clay fit the need for the project. Students then used software including Oculus Medium, TinkerCAD, and Maya to manipulate their works before sending them to the 3D printer. The following semester, Raul built on this concept, and had students in his Intermediate Sculpture course place their creations in a virtual environment so that students could get a sense of what their finished pieces might look like at scale. Read More >>

Candace Glendening (Biology and Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences)

(BYOD) Poll Everywhere | Fall 2017, Spring 2018 and May 2018

In this faculty success story, we examine (BYOD) bring your own device using Poll Everywhere. Senior Lecturer Candace Glendening used Poll Everywhere to assess her students in real time. During class lecture, students where prompted to answer questions pertaining to lesson PowerPoints. Using either their mobile device, tablet or laptop, students answer individual questions one by one. Using Poll Everywhere also streamlines the grading process as it fully integrates with the gradebook in Moodle. Read More >>

Heather King (English, College of Arts and Sciences)

Social Media: Academic Conversations via Twitter | Fall 2018

In this faculty success story, we examine the design benefits gained using social media through Twitter platform. Professor King provided an opportunity for students to explore scholarly conversations of curated list, real-time guided research as well as using hashtags to summarize class themes. Read More >>

Eric Hill (Physics, College of Arts and Sciences)

Collecting Peer Feedback via Google Forms | Spring 2017

In this faculty success story, we examine the instructional design benefits and efficiency gained by implementing the use of Google forms. Leveraging a digital rubric, enabled students to critique each others presentation in real time, while providing Professor Hill a significantly streamlined approach to the critique process. Read More >>

Co Nguyen (Orchestral Studies, School of Music)

Web Conferencing | Fall 2016 and Spring 2017

This faculty success story features a student string quartet (a musical group of four string players). This particular string quartet's desire to have a long-distance coaching section with a teacher living in Vienna, Austria was facilitated by Associate Professor Co Nguyen, Director of Orchestral Studies within the Department of Music. Read More >>