Breakout EDU


The Breakout EDU platform allows teachers to create and facilitate learning games the will require students to work together and critically think. Extending beyond explicitly taught standards produces flexibility for creatively generating solutions to relevant topics. Each game will involve a series of content related puzzles and challenges that will help students open a locked box. Upon opening the box students will be given opportunities to reflect on the experience and learning.

Students Benefits

  • Teamwork/group dynamics.
  • Collaborative problem solving.
  • Logical reasoning.
  • Perseverance through roadblocks.
  • Critical thinking


Teacher Benefits

Breakout EDU games help transfer the ownership of learning from teachers back to students as students can only receive help and redirection when they ask. This provides teachers the opportunity to observe the learners and the approaches they use to critically think and problem solve.

Many games content aligned games are already created and can be adapted to better suit teachers needs.

ILE staff can work with teachers to create their own games to reflect specific content and standards.

Learn how to use the NEW Breakout EDU website and view the Breakout EDU games.

Click here to learn more about Breakout EDU digital.

Check out the latest update from Breakout EDU.