The charge of the Steering Committee is to guide the university’s accreditation reaffirmation processes for the WSCUC, culminating in an Institutional Report in Fall 2021 and a comprehensive three-day site visit in Spring 2022. The University was last reaffirmed in July 2014, for a term of eight years.
The Steering Committee served from October 2019 through 2020. Membership included faculty and students in governance leadership roles across the University and Schools/College, and staff in institutional research, planning, and finance.
Members of the AY 2019-2020 Steering Committee
- Kimberley Coles, Director of Assessment and Accreditation Liaison Officer
- Pete Bergevin, Representative for the School of Business Assembly
- Nancy Carrick, Chair of Committee of Academic Planning and Standards
- Paloma Hinojosa, Graduate Student Representative
- Andrew Hollis, Director of Recreation and Student Affairs Representative
- Mark Kumler, Senate President
- Gregory Love, Chair of the Graduate School of Theology Assembly
- Jacob Miner, President of the Associated Students of the University of Redlands
- Cory Nomura, Senior Vice President, Finance & Administration
- Pauline Reynolds, Chair of the School of Education Assembly
- Tim Seiber, Chair of the College of Arts and Sciences Assembly
- Donna Stevener, Interim Vice President, Finance & Administration
- Yan Xie, Assistant Provost for Institutional Research