University of Redlands

Faculty & Staff

Vision & Mission

The graduate and professional School of Education transforms students into innovative scholar-practitioners, guided by the ideals of equity and access, who serve their communities as leaders in K-12, higher education, and human services. Through personalized, inclusive, globally-engaged teaching and scholarship, we aim to shape and enrich educational practices that advance a more just society and impact the lives of individuals in our community and beyond.

The faculty, staff, and students of the graduate and professional School of Education form a vibrant community of inquiry committed to experiential learning, diversity of ideas and people, and collaborative scholarship. Through our transformative, high-quality teaching and scholarship, we prepare leaders and professionals who enhance the learning and livelihoods of people in increasingly complex educational contexts.


FAQ — Working in the School of Education

Here are answers to common questions related to teaching in the School of Education. Please contact us for questions not addressed below.

EMPLOYMENT ...... (Contracts, Pay schedules, New-hire Paperwork, Payroll Errors, etc.)

How do I set up employment paperwork with University Human Resources?

You'll need to provide Human Resources with documentation establishing your right to work and your selected tax withholding. Human Resources is located in the ground floor of the Armacost library and is open from 8:30-5:00 M-F. 909.748.8040.

Due to COVID-19 onboarding paperwork will be completed online. Once your contract is submitted to Human Resources this will initiate your new hire paperwork. 

E Talamaivao-Lafaele
Human Resources

I have questions about my pay. Whom do I contact? Contact E Talamaivao-Lafaele  and she will answer your questions or see that your question is handed off to someone who can resolve the issue E Talamaivao-Lafaele

FACULTY ASSISTANCE ...... (Evaluations, Reimbursements, Events, Calendars, etc.)

Calendar: what are the term dates this year? You can find the School of Education Academic Calendar.   
How do I obtain refreshments for my event/class? Contact your department coordinator first to make sure your request is appropriate and feasible given department budgets. Once you have chair approval, contact Maribel Cruz to work out the details (support ticket system coming soon).
Maribel Cruz
I have a mailbox?! Effective June 2019 there will no longer be adjunct faculty mailboxes. Unfortunately not all regional sites have mailboxes, but since we try to do as much work as we can electronically, this should not be burdensome.  
Where do I find my course evaluation?
Course evaluations are available for you to view after the grading period has passed (around two weeks after your course ends). You will receive an email prompting you to download your results after the grading period has passed. The current system we are using is EvaluationKit, which you may access at:
If you need results from previous platforms, please contact
Where do I find the expense reimbursement spreadsheet? All University forms can be found on your MyRedlands page in the left column  Documents, Forms, and Policies/Business Forms
Maribel Cruz

TEACHING SUPPORT ...... (Course Syllabi, Book Orders, Copies, Attendance, etc.)

Attendance: Am I required to take attendance in my class? Isn't this grad school? We are required to submit attendance for the first two course meetings to facilitate reimbursements should a student drop or withdraw. Use these instructions for submitting attendance through Student Planning. Additionally, if your course grades include attendance, meticulous records are invaluable. E Talamaivao-Lafaele
Holidays: why aren't the usual holidays on the schedule for the course I am teaching? As a private institution, the University does not always recognize the same holidays as public entities. You can find the School of Education academic calendar and course schedules on the main School of Education website here.  E Talamaivao-Lafaele
How can I obtain instructor texts for a course? Starting Fall 2019 Adjunct Faculty will be required to order desk copies. If you need contact information for publishers please email Maribel Cruz. Maribel Cruz
How do I make photocopies? Is there a per course limit? TBD  
Where is the basic syllabus for my class? The School maintains a backstage site for faculty support called Inside the School of Education. Current syllabi for all courses can be found by clicking on the Course Materials for Faculty button or by going to the Curriculum, Pedagogy, Course Design page.

I have questions about the syllabus or assignments for the course I am teaching. Contact your department first. If they determine you're better off talking to another faculty member, they will direct you there. 

Who will order books for my classes? Books for adjunct taught sections in Counseling & Human Services and Teaching & Learning are pre-ordered by the School. Courses taught by full-time instructors and those in Leadership & Higher Education have books ordered directly by the faculty.
Maribel Cruz

GRADING ...... (Submission, Due Dates, Changes, Disputes, etc.)

How do I change a grade? Grade changes must be sent directly to the Registrar's Office. Please make sure you reference the course number, section, and term, as well as the student ID and name. Please indicate previous grade, new grade, and reason for change. Remember that all University grades must be numeric  (4.0, 3.7, 3.3, etc).

When are my grades due? Grades are due two weeks after the final session of your course. Final grades are submitted through Student Planning System (SPS). If you will be delayed (and it happens) please let your Chair. 
Department Chairs
How do I submit grades for my course? Grades for each course are submitted within two weeks of the final class meeting by the instructor through the Student Planning System (SPS). The University of Redlands uses numeric grades, so  course grades must be submitted in the 4.0, 3.7, 3.3, 3.0, 2.7, 2.3, 2.0 format. Incompletes can be submitted but must include a final date and the grade to be given if the incomplete is not satisfied by the end date. University Registrar
What is the process if a student wants to dispute a grade in a course? Students always have the right to clearly communicated grading policies. Should a student feel your grading is inaccurate, the first step is for them to contact you, the instructor. If the student is still unsatisfied, then the department chair should be contacted. If those two measures do not resolve the dispute, the student should contact the Office of Student Success to file a formal complaint. Please see the University catalog for dispute protocol. Office of Student Success
Should I use the Moodle gradebook? Instructors who understand how it works praise the Moodle gradebook function because it allows students to view their grade to date and automatically calculates course grades is set up to do so. That said, it has a pretty steep learning curve so perhaps talk to Instructional Technology/Moodle support before plunging in. Instructional Technology

TECHNOLOGY ...... (Moodle, OneDrive storage, Campus IT, etc.)

How  do I access OneDrive? How do I get set up? Everyone with Redlands credentials has access the the University OneDrive. For problems accessing or storing materials on your OneDrive space, contact ITS.  Instructional Technology
How do I make my Moodle site visible? You will need to make your course Moodle "visible" to students before they can see it in their list of courses. See the instructions on setting up your Moodle site here. Please also consult the Moodle FAQ, especially the question "Can students see my course when it is first created?" to learn more about making your course available to students.
Instructional Technology

FACILITIES ...... (Classrooms, Parking, Safety, etc.)

How do I request a room change? Contact Maribel Cruz and she will request a room that better suits your needs. Maribel Cruz
What do I do if the room or building in which my class is held is locked? Call Public Safety at 748-8888 and request the room or building to be unlocked. Make sure you have ID so they know who you are. Public Safety
Where do I park at my campus? For the Redlands Main campus, visit the office of Public Safety in the Willis Center to receive a free parking pass. Use a campus map to determine which parking are is closest to your building. For Regional Campuses, please speak with your Regional Campus Director or our School of Education Regional Coordinators, Anne Castagnaro (OC and Rancho) or Nerni Miller (Riverside and Temecula). Public Safety
Regional Directors
Where is my campus? Directions to regional campuses can be found here. Maribel Cruz
What if the classroom media equipment is not working? Technology support services are available until 7:00 pm. If you can arrive early to test equipment, there may be time to contact them that day. If not, leave tham an email message detailing the classroom location and the malfunction and they will check it out.

(909) 748-8922

Course Materials for Faculty

We know how important it is for faculty to have complete information about the courses you have agreed to teach. On our Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Course Design page, we have collected all School of Education syllabi for your support. Additionally, this page contains a syllabus template and several other important practical and policy matters pertaining to quality graduate instruction.

Please note that additional course and program materials may also be contained under the department links at the top of this page. Please let us know if there's more we can provide you with to make your teaching experience with us better.


Course Materials for Faculty

Support Requests

To make it easier to get things done in the School of Education, we've initiated a support ticketing system to register and track your requests for assistance. Please choose between Operations Support [for departmental support, reimbursements, schedule and course assignments, book orders, facilities, and web content] and Event Support for assistance with holding an event in the School. Select from these links to check on the status of an Event Request or an Operations Request.

School of Education Policies
Below you will find essential School policies governing everything from faculty schedules to budgets to independent study course procedures.

Course Scheduling

policy on faculty schedules [link to Wall memo]

Travel Policies

School of Education policy on funded travel

University policies on study abroad

Technology Resources

Below you will find inks to various resources for managing technology in the classroom at the University of Redlands. It is our expectation that students in the School of Education will experience high-quality integration of technology in their learning as a regular and ordinary practice.

Moodle resources


Moodle grading integration instructions (2017)

Please note that the #1 problem faculty have with submitting grades via Moodle is the requirement to use only numeric grades instead of letter grades. Please see the grading instructions above for numeric grade options (A - = 3.7 for example). 

If you need to issue a grade of incomplete, see the instructions above and make sure you provide an end date and default grade in the event the student does not complete the work.

If you experience errors in Moodle grade submission, it is best to email and report the problem thoroughly. It is also ideal to include screen shots so your problem may be more accurately diagnosed.

Classroom Technology

Almost all UR classrooms are equipped with fully-functional media stations and classroom projectors. Skype ready rooms and other technology are available on request from Media Services. If you are a Mac user, please be prepared to bring your own adapters for VGA and HDMI. Yessenia Yorgesen in the Dean's Office has several loaner tech kits should you need to work in a room without a media podium.

If you experience problems with classroom or network technology, check the IT Services web page for status reports. For immediate help between the hours of 8:00-7:00, please call (909) 748-8922.