University of Redlands

Bystander Tips: How to Help

University of Redlands encourages all members of our community to be Active Bystanders against sexual misconduct. You can play an important role in reducing sexual misconduct and protecting our community.

  • Talk with your friends in advance about sticking together at parties. Make sure that you know where your friends are at all times and leave together at the end of the night.
  • If you see or hear something, assume that you are the only person who can stop it. The more people who are around, the less likely anyone is to intervene.
  • Help educate your friends about affirmative consent and bystander intervention.
  • Find a way to intervene if you see or hear anything.
    • Do something when someone jokes about sexual assault.
    • Do something when you hear people using degrading language.
    • Do something when you see someone being pressured to drink or use drugs.
    • Do something when you think an intoxicated person is getting ready to participate in sexual activity. An incapacitated individual cannot give consent, so if someone is struggling to walk, talk, or follow directions, they cannot consent to sexual activity.
    • Do something when you hear someone bragging about having sex while intoxicated. There is no consent for sex with a person who is incapacitated.
    • Do something if you think someone is trying to initiate sexual activity without their partner’s consent.

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