Language Placement guide

Students must complete a mandatory World Language (WL) graduation requirement. Language placement for Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, ASL, and Japanese varies and is based upon the chosen language, past experience (in class, at home, or abroad), and test scores.

What is the language assessment or online test? This assessment works a little differently than regular tests where you must score well to obtain a good grade. It is simply an assessment to see at what level of language you are. Therefore, do not use resources beyond your present knowledge to complete it. We wish to know what course would be better for you depending on your circumstances.  

Language Placement Process

Follow these steps to be placed in your language of choice: 

  1. Complete the online survey. You will be given instructions to complete the language survey on the New Student Checklist. All students must complete this language survey. 
  2. If you have no experience whatsoever in the language, then you will indicate that on the language survey, you will be placed at the 101 level in your language of choice. 
  3. If you do have experience in a specific language, follow the instructions provided in the experience section below. 
  4. If you score above 200 in the online assessment, then schedule an oral interview appointment. 

Additional Information:

  • *If you are a transfer student, please review the "My Progress" section in Self Service to verify if your language requirement has been fulfilled. 
  • If you require a SPAN oral assessment to complete your language placement, view the information below.
  • You must complete language placement prior to registration. So please complete your placement as soon as possible.  
  • If you have questions, please email

Determine your language experience level and next steps

Use the section below and open each accordion to guide you through the Language placement process.  Please note that the WebCAPE Placement Test, if required for your language placement, will take approximately 30 minutes.  Please complete the language placement process promptly to ensure you can register for the language courses of your choosing.


I have no experience in Spanish

  1. Indicate that you have no experience in your language of choice in the survey found on your student checklist.  
  2. You will be placed in SPAN 101.  
  3. Register for SPAN 101.   

*Please note that an oral assessment will be given on the first day of class by the SPAN 101 instructor to confirm your placement.

I have experience in a language from class, home, or abroad: 

  1. Use this link to the WebCAPE placement test, select Spanish, take the test, get your score and return to this page.  
  2. Based upon your score, follow the steps after taking the WebCAPE placement test.

After taking the WebCAPE placement test:

Score: Up to 200: Register for Spanish 101   

Score: >200 
Schedule an oral assessment 


I have no experience in French

  1. Indicate that you have no experience in your language of choice in the survey found on your student checklist. 
  2. You will be placed in FREN 101. 
  3. Register for French 101. 

I have experience in a language from class, home, or abroad: 

  1. Use this link to the WebCAPE placement test, select French, take the test, get your score and return to this page.  
  2. If your score is 200 or below, you will be placed in French 101. If it is above a score of 200, you will be placed in French 201. 

After taking the WebCAPE placement test:

Score: Up to 200: Register for French 101   

Score: >200 
Register for French 201 


I have no experience in Chinese

  1. Indicate that you have no experience in your language of choice in the survey found on your student checklist. 
  2.  Register for Chinese 101 

I have experience in a language from class, home, or abroad: 

  1. Use this link to the WebCAPE placement test, select Chinese, take the test, get your score and return to this page.  
  2. Based upon your score, follow the steps after taking the WebCAPE placement test.

After taking the WebCAPE placement test:

Score: Up to 200: Register for Chinese 101

Score: >200 
Register for Chinese 201


I have no experience in Arabic

  1. Register for Arabic 101

I have experience in a language from class, home, or abroad: 

  1. Register for Arabic 101. 
  2. Talk to Arabic 101 faculty member on first day of class. 


I have no experience in Japanese

  1. Indicate that you have no experience in your language of choice in the survey found on your student checklist. 
  2. Register for Japanese 101

I have experience in a language from class, home, or abroad: 

  1. Register for Japanese 201.   
  2. Talk to Japanese 201 faculty member on the first day of class. 


I have no experience in ASL

  1. Register for ASL 101

I have experience in a language from class, home, or abroad: 

  1. Register for ASL 101. 
  2. Talk to ASL 101 faculty member on the first day of class. 

Schedule your Oral Assessment

You must be logged in to to book an appointment.

If you require a SPAN oral assessment to complete your language placement, you MUST schedule it through the Oral Assessment form. Please note the day and time of your Oral Assessment in your calendar and please show up.  You must complete language placement prior to registration. So please complete your placement as soon as possible.  

Book Appointment