University of Redlands

Business in a Changing World

Redlands Business Day 2020
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We are excited to announce Redlands Business Day 2020, a virtual event to be held on December 5, 2020! 

The conference theme is “Business in a Changing World.” Over the last several months, businesses have coped with an unparalleled set of COVID-19, social, and economic challenges. We've assembled an agenda rich with plenary and keynote sessions that provide an opportunity to reflect on the changing world we are in, as well as hear the latest in business thinking and practices. And, there are over 25 topic and networking sessions from which you can customize your conference experience.

Hear from outside experts and our own faculty on today’s most pressing business matters, including Building a Sustainable Business, Managing the Impacts of COVID-19, Creating and Supporting Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Cultures, the Future of Work after an Era of Working Remotely, and Finding Happiness in a Changing World.

Participate in a series of networking sessions, with options for both the general participants as well as for the students (past, present, and future) of the School of Business. A post conference workshop is offered for those who want more information about our degree and professional programs.

Click here to register and access the virtual platform for this event

The event is free, though advance registration is required. Stay for the whole event and earn a chance to win a $500 Amazon Gift Card!


8:45 A.M. | Session Registration, Check-In and Raffle

9:00 A.M. | Opening Session: Business in a Changing World

  • University of Redlands School of Business  |  Tom Horan, Dean
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Business Issues  |  Shindale Seale, CEO, SEADE Coaching & Consulting
  • Global Sustainable Business Issues  |  Rob Harris, Chairman and Founder, PMI
  • COVID Business Issues  |  Cindy Elliott, Head of Commercial Enterprises, Esri

10:00 A.M. | Break

10:15 A.M. | Concurrent Sessions: Changing World Topics

Each topic session will have a 15-minute overview followed by a moderated discussion. Choose one from each time slot. 

  • Managing Remote Work  |  Neena Gopalan
  • Corporate Social Responsibility  |  James Spee
  • Legal/Ethics to Guide Business  |  Riaz Tejani
  • Marketing During a Crisis  |  Xin Zhao
  • Purposeful Leadership  |  Ketan Mhatre

11:00 A.M. | Concurrent Sessions: Changing World Topics

Each topic session will have a 15-minute overview followed by a moderated discussion. Choose one from each time slot. 

  • The Future of Work  |  Johannes Moenius
  • Ethics for a Changing Society  |  Carlo Carrascoso
  • GIS Hot Spots that Matter  |  Avijit Sarkar
  • Crisis Communication  |  Allison Fraiberg
  • Globalization & Consequences  |  Gerald Groshek

11:45 A.M. | Quick Break for Lunch

12:00 P.M. | Finding Happiness in a Changing World

Paul J. Zak, Author, Trust Factor

12:45 P.M. | Concurrent Meetups: Connecting and Networking

Choose two to attend.

  • Online MBA  |  Autumn McKiernan & Nguyen Le
  • MSOL Students  |  Christina Walker
  • Whitehead Leadership Society  |  Keith Roberts
  • Study Abroad  |  Mike MacQueen
  • Private Sector  |  Sonia Gomez
  • Non-Profit Sector & Government  |  Pamela Allen
  • Military Sector  |  Thomas Bozman
  • Partners Network  |  Heather Russell
  • Community College Pathway  |  Robert Acosta
  • Mentor Program  |  Christine Taitano
  • Prospective and New Students  |  Liz Villegas
  • 2020 Graduates   |  Shelli Stockton

1:45 P.M. | Closing Session and Raffle

with Tom Horan and Wendy Osborn

2:00-3:00 P.M. | Post Conference Opportunities

  • Degree Information  |  MBA, MSOL, MSBA, BSB
  • Student Services  |  New Students
  • Professional Development  |  Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD)
  • Professional Certificates  |  School of Continuing Studies

Plenary Speakers

Tom Horan, Dean, School of Business

Thomas Horan

School of Business | University of Redlands

Dr. Thomas Horan, the H. Jess and Donna Senecal Chair and Dean of the School of Business, is leading the University of Redlands into a new era of 21st Century business and leadership education. Under his leadership, the school has created several initiatives and degree programs in purposeful leadership, spatial business, and data analytics. Dr. Horan has published over 140 articles and two books. He has consulted and collaborated with numerous public and private organizations, including the US Department of Transportation, United Nations Economic Development Corporation, Mayo Clinic, Esri, and Salesforce.  His research accomplishments have been honored on two occasions by the White House.

Dr. Horan also has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Hong Kong University. Dr. Horan received his B.A. (with Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa honors) from the University of Vermont and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University. 

Speaker_Shindale Seale.jpg

Shindale Seale

SEADE | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Business Issues

Dr. Shindale Seale is CEO of SEADE Coaching & Consulting. She is a cultural equity and diversity strategist who employs leadership and performance optimization concepts to help entrepreneurs, corporate and academic stakeholders, and diversity & inclusion professionals identify and reach their organizational culture goals. For over two decades, Dr. Seale has served in various leadership and training roles and sectors including the corporate environment, academia, and the non-profit arena. In addition to her consulting services, she is the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Program Chair at the University of California, Santa Cruz - Silicon Valley Extension. Dr. Seale is also an adjunct professor at the University of Redlands.

Dr. Seale holds a doctor of education degree in organizational change and leadership and a master of education degree, both from the University of Southern California (USC). She also earned her bachelor of arts with a focus on language and linguistics from California State University at Dominguez Hills (CSUDH).


Rob Harris

Pacific Market International | Global Sustainable Business Issues

Rob Harris is Chairman, Founder and Global Strategist of Pacific Market International (PMI), a company he founded in 1983 to provide consumers with simple, stylish products built on a foundation of sustainability, community, teamwork, accountability and integrity. Over these last three-plus decades, Mr. Harris has led the transformation of the company from a small trading company in the 1980s, to a global brand marketing and product development organization with over 150 staff in five offices around the globe.

Mr. Harris’s experiences are legendary and have been the subject of numerous articles and talks on subjects ranging from Starting and Growing a Business for Long term Shareholder Value, Principals over Profit, Making Sustainable Business Practices a Priority; and many others. He has served on the boards of numerous privately held companies and non-profit organizations. Mr. Harris currently serves on the Board of Trustees at the University of Redlands and holds a master’s degree in counseling from Syracuse University.


Paul J. Zak

Author, Trust Factor | Finding Happiness in a Changing World

Dr. Paul Zak was one of the first scientists to integrate neuroscience and economics into a new discipline: neuroeconomics. His research has identified the brain processes that support such virtuous behaviors as trustworthiness, generosity, and sacrifice, as well as those whose absence leads to evil, vice, and conflict. He uses these results to increase flourishing by individuals, organizations, and societies. Dr. Zak delivered a TED Talk titled, “Trust, Morality—and Oxytocin?” in 2011 that has been viewed more than 1.4 million times. His newest book, Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High Performance Companies (2017), applies neuroscience to organizational culture to demonstrate that high trust improves the triple bottom line and it explores ways in which managers can create and sustain a culture of trust.

Dr. Zak is a professor of economic sciences, psychology, and management in Claremont Graduate University.  After receiving his B.A. in mathematics and economics from San Diego State University, Dr. Zak completed his doctorate in economics at the University of Pennsylvania.


Cindy Elliott

Esri | COVID Business Issues

Cindy Elliott heads Esri’s Commercial Industry Marketing team. She helps to shape the role of geospatial analytics within the manufacturing industry related to new market analysis, supply chain operations, and advanced services. During the COVID crisis, Ms. Elliott has led a series on consultations with global businesses on approaches to coping with the crisis and development strategies for business resiliency.   For more than 15 years, she has worked with global manufacturers and enterprise-class technology companies to influence customer-focused business transformation.

Ms. Elliott holds a senior visiting industrial fellow position at Aston Business School in Birmingham, UK.  services. She earned a master’s degree in international management from the Thunderbird Graduate School and completed Harvard Business School’s Program for Leadership Development. Ms. Elliott also serves as the Esri Lead on the Esri-University of Redlands Spatial Business Initiative.

Click the link below to access the virtual platform hosted by Accelevents for more information about this year's event!

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School of Business

The School of Business at the University of Redlands equips working professionals and career-focused individuals with the essential 21st century business skills, expanded worldview, and extensive network needed to position them for success in their businesses, careers, and lives.

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