Online Learning Resources

After a year of online learning faculty may wish to continue using the lessons learned in their class. This page provides resources and information that will help faculty to both continue online lessons and supplement their in-person class with online content.

External Links

Bellow are a selection of external links that can assist you with online classes.

Using Structure to Promote Equality and Engagement in Live Remote Sessions – An EDUCAUSE Review article discussing how implementing structure into your online class can increase inclusion and engagement with the students. Many of these tools can be expanded to other modalities.


How to be a better online teacher – This article published in the Chronicle of Higher Education in 2019 provides a collection of 10 tips that can help structure your online class. The 10 tips are provided in a way that compares what you may have done in a face to face class with how you can implement that practice in an online class.


20 Tips For Teaching an Accessible Online Course – Produced by the University of Washington, this page provide 20 tips for creating an inclusive accessible online course. The 20 tips are broken down to 9 tips on how the course page and documents can be designed and 11 tips on instructional methods that can used in an online course.


Lost (and Found) in Translation: What Online Students Want - An EDUCAUSE Review article from 2016 that discusses information about how to translate your courses online. This article uses student survey information to discuss what the students want to see in an online course.


Teaching Online Resources – This google document was created by people at UNC Charlotte during COVID-19 as a compilation of various guides for online teaching. While some of the information is designed for the emergency online teaching that occurred during COVID-19 much of the information can be translated to a post-COVID environment.

Internal Links

Bellow are a selection of University of Redlands resources that can assist you with the implementation of online learning.

School of Education Online/Remote Instruction Resources – These resources are targeted to teacher candidates that where moving to online education during COVID-19. Though the target was K-12 teachers much of the information in the page can be adapted to work in Higher Education.


Online Faculty Orientation – This SharePoint website was design in a teaching module format to help faculty learn how to teach online. The site includes modules on the framework of online teaching, course leadership, learner support, and course management.


Online Student Orientation – Like the Online Faculty Orientation this SharePoint site is designed to help students enter the online class environment. In this website students are introduced into concepts of netiquette, what class elements to expect,  how to manage the independence of online courses, and time management.


Accessibility – This page discusses how you can make aspects of your online and in person class accessible to students. The page includes information on designing online content, scanning documents for students, captioning videos, along with other useful information.


Pandemic Resources – Created during COVID-19 this SharePoint site discusses various tools and methods that help instructors transition and excel in the online environment.

Software Tools

Below are links to tools supported by the University of Redlands that will assist you in your online course.


Canvas – The schools Learning Management System (LMS). When teaching an online class your Canvas page will be your classroom. Canvas is best place to post asynchronous activities and material students need for the class. The collection of webpages within the Canvas support pages will help you learn about the tools available to enhance your teaching.


Teams – Microsoft Teams is a multi-faceted program that allows users to hold synchronous web classes, provide a space for students to collaborate on projects, and communicate with students in one-on-one meetings or though instant messaging.


Bookings – Microsoft Bookings is a useful tool for office hours. Communicating with your University of Redlands Outlook calendar Books helps reduced the back and forth normally associated with office hours. When set up system will create a Teams meeting for you and the student.


Padlet - Padelt is a digital corkboard that lets students post digital sticky notes. Students can leave videos, draw pictures, and comment on each other's notes.

Kaltura - Kaltura is an easy to use platform for the creation of teaching and learning materials, video assignments, and management of lecture capture content, in addition to other capabilities. Recordings can be captured and video content can be uploaded easily within Canvas.